ChangeMessageClassPF for Microsoft Exchange... for Windows
The description of ChangeMessageClassPF for Microsoft Exchange... - Play With New Friends
A property of the item called message class determines the form the item uses. This application can help to change the message class for incoming messages from the default to custom one. For example, you create a custom Outlook form with IPM.Note.Sales message class and you need that each message e-mailed to "Sales" public folder will be converted to your custom form immediately after receiving to display information in a Sales custom form. See a good article that describes an Exchange 5.X - based application to support group mailbox functionality: Implementing a Group Mailbox or Public Folder. Using ChangeMessageClassPF application you can implement the same functionlaity on your Exchange 2007 Server based system.The application also can delete permanently the incoming messages associated with a certain message class. For example, you can delete all nondelivery reports whose message class is Report.IPM.Note.NDR before delivering them to the certain public folder.The application is an Exchange store event sink.Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System