Bug Trail WorkGroup(10 seat) for Windows
The description of Bug Trail WorkGroup(10 seat) - Play With New Friends
Identifying software bugs is only a small portion of the entire bug life-cycle. A good Bug tracking system is important to ensure that the bugs identified are provided with an effective and permanent solution. Bug Life-Cycle (Your Bug Trail) Bug Trail allows an easy approach to create your process flow and follow that effortlessly among the teams of test engineers, leads, developers and managers. Attach images and other data files Bug Trail lets you add screen shots directly from the clipboard or insert an image from a file, to any record. There is no limitation on the number of images you can add to a record. What more, you can pin point the problem area using drawing tools available. The intended user can zoom in to get a better look at the added image. Access Control Bug Trail supports multiple projects and multiple users. The access control mechanism allows control over the feature set as well as the projects. Capturing System Parameters In cases of complex applications, system parameters are key to understand the cause of a bug/defect. Often, capturing system parameters is as difficult. Bug trail makes it very easy – just select the nature of parameters desired and Bug trail does the remaining. Output files Bug Trail creates well formatted MS-Word/HTML output files. Ease of Use The 1 minute installation and 5 minute setup ease reduces the learning curve and makes it easy to work with. Filters / Reports With Bug Trail, statistics are easy to get. Bug Trail has a comprehensive filtering capability to generate the required data in its Defect List Reporter. The Defect List reporter also provides the facility to Search for Text Strings in the data being displayed in the Grid. Bug Trail's Analysis tool provides a graphical representation of the data in the form of charts, which can be generated after filtering the data.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System