Bersoft HTML Print for Windows
The description of Bersoft HTML Print - Play With New Friends
Bersoft HTML Print Editor's Review 'Bersoft HTML Print' enables you to print or export HTML and image files automatically. The publisher states that this software is designed for programmers and I couldn't agree more. This program is not very user friendly, although it offers great features. It supports command line parameters. It can add custom footers and headers to the documents that it generates. You can set the application to detect automatically when a new file is copied into a directory. This file can be printed or exported automatically, depending on the options you specify in the "HTMLPRINT.INI" configuration file. The configuration file is read whenever you start the application. It can be customized by accessing the application's "Configuration file - Edit" menu. I expected that the "Edit" command would open a text editor, allowing me to edit the INI file. Well, it didn't. It opened a rather complex settings dialog, which is used to modify the application's default configuration. The program supports defining multiple configurations. Each configuration is saved into a different INI file. The configurations can be loaded later, depending on what you want the program to do. You can select any of your printers to print the documents. You can also choose to export GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, WMF, or EMF images. The image width and height is customizable. The program splits the documents you export into two or more pages, depending on their size. It appends an underline "_" character and the page number to each image file that it creates. Pluses: Drawbacks / flaws: HTML Print uses its own stand alone HTML engine for reading the incoming documents. Therefore, certain web pages might not be printed correctly by this software. In conclusion: Bersoft HTML Print is a utility that supports all the current HTML standards. Despite small deficiencies, this program is one of the few that enable the user to print or export HTML documents automatically. version reviewed: 6.06Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System