The description of bakCleaner - Play With New Friends
Deleting old backup files before the backup job commences.Delete Backup Files older than a certain amount of days [...]The program is used to remove obsolete backup files.Date of filing must be stated explicitly in the name of the file.The date is given as a string of digits with the following structure: YYYYMMDDExample:Arch20090205.bakArch20090311.bakProgram can call with 3 parameters:A string denoting the path where the files are backup copiesThe archive files used to describe the patternAllowed are metacharacters * and?Requires a string: YYYYMMDDInteger indicating the number of days of archived files. Today's date is the basis for the calculation: the file should be removed?Example:C:\>bakCleaner.exe "c:/backup" "archYYYYMMDD*.bak" 3"F:\exe files\bakCleaner.exe" "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\backup" "*YYYYMMDD????.bak" 7The platform runs on Win 32bit and 64bit.It can be run as a step in the job of SQL Server Agent (preferably immediately after executing step with backup proces)