Atomic Email Hunter for Windows
The description of Atomic Email Hunter - Play With New Friends
If you are using e-marketing, or intend to, for your business you might be interested in this program. It is supposed to help you acquire your potential customers e-mail addresses. Instead of purchasing e-mail databases from various companies on the Internet, or getting them manually from the websites of interest, you could extract them from your target-audience relevant web sites. For a basic search the only thing you need to do is supply a URL or some keywords. For example, when I've tested the program, the search for the keyword I've used took 34 minutes 28 seconds and returned 216 e-mail addresses which, in a way or another, where related to that keyword. If you want an advanced search you can start this feature from the 'File' menu. After supplying an URL or some keywords you could chose some URL filtering rules or page content filtering and the authentication details (name and password) if required. Before hitting the 'Start' button you could setup link exploring rules such as hunting limitation (current site only, all links) or hunting depth level where you have only 7 options listed, but the number can be inserted manually and it seems you could insert a huge number of levels. The resulted e-mails could be saved as one e-mail per line or all e-mail addresses in a one line, which is useful when you want to use them in Outlook or other e-mail client and insert them in the TO:, CC: or BCC: fields. The producer claims that, in full version, you could filter some countries or zones, and maybe this will speed up the search. The results can be saved, exported to EXCEL and WORD but before doing that you could sort them by e-mail, owner or location. The interface is easy to use but the producer attention for details is not to be seen. Pluses: It's cheaper than buying e-mail databases and less time consuming than getting them manually. Drawbacks / flaws: On mouse over, the buttons from the toolbar don't offer any description of what they can do. In conclusion: You might wait a little for the program to finish the search, but, at least, you'll have an e-mail database with no cost.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System