AnyCase App for Windows
The description of AnyCase App - Play With New Friends
AnyCase App is a multi-program direct in-place case converter for Windows, forget about manually converting, or copying pasting text back and forth from the web.In under 3 minutes you’ll be doing all your text conversions, to All Caps (Uppercase), Lowercase, Title Case, Sentence Case Etc. directly in-place.When AnyCase is opened it’s window will appear and will include the text conversion functionality as well, in addition in this window you can access the AnyCase settings/options for additional customization.To change text from UPPERCASE to lowercase for example, you will go through the same process, first select the text you would like to change the capitalization for, then choose one of the options.All the conversions work in a fraction of a second. When AnyCase is opened it’s window will appear and will include the text conversion functionality as well, in addition in this window you can access the AnyCase settings/options for additional customization.To change text from UPPERCASE to lowercase for example, you will go through the same process, first select the text you would like to change the capitalization for, then choose one of the options.All the conversions work in a fraction of a second.Shift + Right-Click Opens An In-Place Conversion Menu In Any ProgramAnyCase has a right-click menu that works in all supported programs for quick case conversions, this powerful feature lets you change the capitalization using a context menu (Mouse Right-Click) Simply select any text in the program you are currently working in, then press Shift+{right-click} this will open the AnyCase App conversion menu, as you see in the video to the right.Shift+{right-click} – Will open the global context menu so you can easily select a conversion option from a list.Global Windows ShortcutsThe AnyCase App enables a global set of shortcuts that work across applications and programs, use these shortcuts to change the capitalization of the selected text In all Supported Applications. AnyCase Is extremely flexible, with a few clicks you can custom define your own key combinations that will convert text case globally.Win+Alt+L – To convert selection to lowercaseWin+Alt+U – To convert selection to UPPERCASEWin+Alt+T – To convert selection to Title CaseWin+Alt+S – To convert selection to Sentence caseWin+Alt+A – To convert selection to AlTeRnAtInG CaPsWin+Alt+O – Opens main window with all the apps optionsChange Text To Superscript Or Subscript Directly In PlaceEasily change text to Superscript or Subscript directly in-place, whether you need it for Mathematical use, Chemistry, Physics, or even cataloging and notations. AnyCase App not only let’s you convert to Superscript and Subscript in-place in 100s of programs, you can also define your own custom shortcuts for the conversion and work even faster.Switch Language After You Started TypingIf you are a multilingual or bilingual person you know the problem of starting to type in the wrong language, It usually happens when you forget to switch the language before you start typing, With this feature you can flip the language to the language you intended to write in without retyping.Quick ReplaceQuickly replace any character or word with another by using this feature, for example if you’re working with files and you would like every space between words to be replaced with a hyphen(-), or underscore(_) you can do that in real time as many times as you need, as in the video example.Custom Word CapitalizationThe Custom Word Capitalization feature lets you setup words that you want capitalized in an exact manner, an example can be a brand name, or a company name you commonly use (“arctic ice inc.” is to always be capitalized as “Arctic Ice Inc. for example”).This feature lets you set the capitalization preferences before hand, and AnyCase will always convert this custom words exactly as you defined them in the settings area, when using the Sentence Case, or Title Case text conversions.Custom word capitalizationPaste In Blocked Web FieldsThis AnyCase feature lets you paste text in any input field when a website intentionally disables it, just copy (Ctrl+C) what you need to the clipboard and use AnyCase paste feature to paste the text when Ctrl+V is not working.Press Shift + {Mouse Right Click} and select Magic Paste in the context menu that appears.How Many Words?A new feature in the context menu that counts how many words are in the selected text. In under 3 minutes you’ll be doing all your text conversions, to All Caps (Uppercase), Lowercase, Title Case, Sentence Case Etc. directly in-place.When AnyCase is opened it’s window will appear and will include the text conversion functionality as well, in addition in this window you can access the AnyCase settings/options for additional customization.To change text from UPPERCASE to lowercase for example, you will go through the same process, first select the text you would like to change the capitalization for, then choose one of the options.All the conversions work in a fraction of a second. When AnyCase is opened it’s window will appear and will include the text conversion functionality as well, in addition in this window you can access the AnyCase settings/options for additional customization.To change text from UPPERCASE to lowercase for example, you will go through the same process, first select the text you would like to change the capitalization for, then choose one of the options.All the conversions work in a fraction of a second.Shift + Right-Click Opens An In-Place Conversion Menu In Any ProgramAnyCase has a right-click menu that works in all supported programs for quick case conversions, this powerful feature lets you change the capitalization using a context menu (Mouse Right-Click) Simply select any text in the program you are currently working in, then press Shift+{right-click} this will open the AnyCase App conversion menu, as you see in the video to the right.Shift+{right-click} – Will open the global context menu so you can easily select a conversion option from a list.Global Windows ShortcutsThe AnyCase App enables a global set of shortcuts that work across applications and programs, use these shortcuts to change the capitalization of the selected text In all Supported Applications. AnyCase Is extremely flexible, with a few clicks you can custom define your own key combinations that will convert text case globally.Win+Alt+L – To convert selection to lowercaseWin+Alt+U – To convert selection to UPPERCASEWin+Alt+T – To convert selection to Title CaseWin+Alt+S – To convert selection to Sentence caseWin+Alt+A – To convert selection to AlTeRnAtInG CaPsWin+Alt+O – Opens main window with all the apps optionsChange Text To Superscript Or Subscript Directly In PlaceEasily change text to Superscript or Subscript directly in-place, whether you need it for Mathematical use, Chemistry, Physics, or even cataloging and notations. AnyCase App not only let’s you convert to Superscript and Subscript in-place in 100s of programs, you can also define your own custom shortcuts for the conversion and work even faster.Switch Language After You Started TypingIf you are a multilingual or bilingual person you know the problem of starting to type in the wrong language, It usually happens when you forget to switch the language before you start typing, With this feature you can flip the language to the language you intended to write in without retyping.Quick ReplaceQuickly replace any character or word with another by using this feature, for example if you’re working with files and you would like every space between words to be replaced with a hyphen(-), or underscore(_) you can do that in real time as many times as you need, as in the video example.Custom Word CapitalizationThe Custom Word Capitalization feature lets you setup words that you want capitalized in an exact manner, an example can be a brand name, or a company name you commonly use (“arctic ice inc.” is to always be capitalized as “Arctic Ice Inc. for example”).This feature lets you set the capitalization preferences before hand, and AnyCase will always convert this custom words exactly as you defined them in the settings area, when using the Sentence Case, or Title Case text conversions.Custom word capitalizationPaste In Blocked Web FieldsThis AnyCase feature lets you paste text in any input field when a website intentionally disables it, just copy (Ctrl+C) what you need to the clipboard and use AnyCase paste feature to paste the text when Ctrl+V is not working.Press Shift + {Mouse Right Click} and select Magic Paste in the context menu that appears.How Many Words?A new feature in the context menu that counts how many words are in the selected text.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 02, 2023
Operating System