Alquiler de Temporada Turigest for Windows
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Turisoft International Busines
The description of Alquiler de Temporada Turigest - Play With New Friends
Turigest is an excellent tool to aid in the management of tourist lodges/homes of all kinds that lets you manage more than one business at a time.The best part of the application is its very complete booking system. Intuitive planning lets you see the availability of all your lodges in one glance.Another interesting feature of Turigest is that it can be integrated onto online reservation systems, also known as ROL.Turigest includes dozens of reports that let you get loads of business management information: costs, guarantees, receipts, bills, owners, services, fees, addresses, occupation, etc. One of them will generate all the information necessary for the Spanish National Statistics Agency (INE).User control, fees management, billing, outturns...All of these activities and more can be carried out by one of the best management programs on the market.