3DM Import for Bricscad for Windows
The description of 3DM Import for Bricscad - Play With New Friends
3DM Import for Bricscad is a Rhinoceros® 3DM file import plug-in for Bricscad®. This plug-in gives Bricscad the ability to import geometric data from 3DM files.3DM Import for Bricscad offers seamless conversion of 3DM geometry to Bricscad's DWG geometry. The integrity of layers, blocks, block instances or inserts, dimensions, etc. are maintained across the conversion. Optionally, polycurves, meshes and blocks can be exploded into simpler objects during the import.3DM Import for Bricscad is very easy to use. Once installed, it must be loaded into the Bricscad environment. There are simple instructions for this in the ReadMe file. Once loaded it adds new commands to Bricscad's existing commands and a new submenu called "3DMImport" to the Bricscad menu containing these newly added commands.The '3DMImport' menu consists of the following commands:# 3DMImport - Imports a 3DM file# 3DMImportHelp - Displays the 3DM Import for Bricscad help file# 3DMImportRegister - Registers your copy of 3DM Import for Bricscad# 3DMImportAbout - Displays the 3DM Import for Bricscad About boxThe 3DM File FormatThe 3DM (3D Model) file format is the native file format of Rhinoceros, the NURBS modeling software from Robert McNeel & Associates. The OpenNURBS Initiative was founded by Robert McNeel & Associates in January 2000, with the sole purpose of providing CAD, CAM, CAE and computer graphics software users reliable methods for transferring 3D geometry between applications via the 3DM file format. TerrainCAD, our terrain generation, editing and modeling software, also uses the 3DM file format as its native file format.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System