120 Educational Games Virtual CD for Windows
The description of 120 Educational Games Virtual CD - Play With New Friends
120 exclusive educational games plus 100 utilities and screen savers allmade by Grey Olltwit Software. Used in homes and schools around theworld since 1996.TitlesInclude:USAJigsaw - A jigsaw puzzle of the USA BritishHistory - 1485 to 1836 - A fun history game played out on the highseas EuropeanJigsaw - A jigsaw puzzle of Europe GlobalEnvironmental Issues - Learn about the Ozone Layer, Greenhouse Effectand Acid Rain QuizMaker - Make your own quizzes. Play them in the program or print themout. Lots of quizzes included PicturePairs - A fun, addictive, memory improving game GraphMaker - Educational software to make simple bar, line and pie graphs Fractions- Math skills educational software to help learn all about fractions,with over 160 questions KeepYour Cool (ADHD Doris) - An educational game to help with combatingstress at work or school TheStrongest Link - General knowledge quiz style educational game.Includes hundreds of questions TellThe Time - Learn how to tell the time with my speaking clock Hangman- Classic educational game. Includes 700 words/phrases in categories TimesTables - Learn the 1 to 12 times table. An essential building blockmath skills program DinosaurHunt - Track down dinosaur fossils around the world with this funeducational game FlashCards - Show words from lists as flash cards. Hundreds of wordsincluded FlashCards Extra - Show words, pictures and sounds from lists as flashcards LooseChange - An educational program to help with learning about money WordsearchMaker - Make your own word searchesCrosswordPuzzle Maker - Make your own crosswords games puzzles. Manycrosswords included EverlastingMath Worksheet - Multiplication - Practice multiplication sums withthis math program EverlastingMath Worksheet - Division - Practice division sums EverlastingMath Worksheet - Subtraction - Practice subtraction sums EverlastingMath Worksheet - Addition - Practice addition sumsSentenceBuilder - A language skills program to help with sentenceconstruction OurSolar System - An interactive educational journey through our solarsystem GuideTo England - Learn about England with this geography educationalsoftware DivideTables - Help with division and multiplication skills ClozeMaker - Missing words exercise creator TidyUp - Simple learning game to help with mouse skills MusicMaker - Easily record and play simple songs with this keyboardapplication AlphabetSoup - An educational program for helping to learn the alphabet BasicMouse Skills - A small program to help new computer users WordQuiz Maker - Make your own word ladder educational quizzes Connections- Choose the right connections or relationships between things WordShape Worksheet Maker - Easily create work sheets to help withhandwriting skills What'sThis Number - Create numbers and hear how they sound MannedSpaceflight - A multimedia educational reference guide to mannedspaceflight FileIt - Educational software to help learn filing and sorting ClockTables - Fun educational game for helping to learn the Times Tables Securibot- Instruct a robot to arrest a villain in this robotic logiceducational game MatchUp - Match words or phrases in this language skills program PractiseTyping - A simple typing program to help with keyboard skills TheWorks Of William Shakespeare - Complete works of the Bard withglossary of 3,000+ terms Plusmany more....Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System