The description of xamxam - Play With New Friends
Review of xamxamXamxam is a free Android application developed by Sante Serigne Saliou under the Education & Reference category. This app is a collection of translated khassaid of Serigne Touba Khadimou Rassoul. The translations are done by Serigne Abdou Rahman Mbacké, Serigne Bassirou Mbacké Khelcom, and Serigne Oumar Kane Balla Ayssa. The app provides access to a selection of khassaid to its users.XamxamAndroidSante SerigneEducationSerigne Touba KhadimouSerigne AbdouSerigne OumarKane Balla AyssaThe app has a simple and user-friendly interface. Upon opening the app, the user can select from a list of khassaid and access their translations. The app does not require an internet connection to function, making it convenient for users to access these translations anytime, anywhere.