The description of Volume Panel Free - Play With New Friends
Volume Panel Free is an app that replaces the standard volume driver on your Android smartphone with a completely customized one. Of course, that'll also mean granting several important privileges to the app, as it will need to run over any other app that's open at a given moment.Once you activate Volume Panel Free, you can use it just by pressing the button to raise or lower the volume of your Android terminal. As soon as you do, you can see your new custom volume control panel, which by default shows you the standard preset volume controls.From the Volume Panel Free options menu you get to customize each and every one of the aspects of your volume tool. Switch between merely aesthetic elements, such as the color of the volume bars and icons, to much more practical elements, like bar locations (left or right) and much more. You can also create exceptions for some apps.Volume Panel Free is a good customization app, that allows you to make the volume control of our Android device respond exactly as you want.