The description of Veooz - Play With New Friends
Veooz is a comprehensive news reader from which you can have access to the most important general and specialized newspapers in the world. You can keep up with the latest events in politics, economy, society, technology, culture, sports, etc. No matter what you are looking for, or your country of residence, this application can give you all the important information in an instant.With support for more than 40 countries and two thousand cities, Veooz can check the largest local, regional, and national newspapers in a good part of Europe and America, giving you an open perspective on the focal points of international events. Each article, interview, and news piece on this application is linked to other similar ones by tags. This way, you can keep looking into a particular subject or event, and discover new information about it.The interface in Veooz is very intuitive; you just have to tap on a word or category to move from one place to the other. You can adjust the text on each article in order to read comfortably. You can access news in normal web format, with pictures and links; or just in plain text.If you read something interesting that you want to share with other users or friends on social networks, Veooz lets you post the link to the article on any of your profiles. You can also interact with other users who comment on the text. Finally, you can easily access old articles that you couldn't read before, by using your favorites. Don't miss the latest news, and install Veooz to be the first to find out.