The description of to do liste - Play With New Friends
to do liste is a super interesting app that lets you take notes in your smartphone in a really comfortable and efficient way. If you’re looking for a similar tool then give to do liste a try because it won’t disappoint you.Using to do liste is really easy because of its minimalist and intuitive design. From the main menu you can access all your notes and manage them however you’d like. You can move them from file to file, get rid of them, modify them or create new ones. The best part about to do liste is that it gives you tons of freedom when it comes to creating your notes. You can change their look, by choosing between several background colors and font size. You can also add blank squares before the words to create an interactive to do list that lets you cross off tasks that you’ve done already, add a direct access to a list from the main screen of your smartphone and keep it handy at all times or add a reminder. If you’re worried about the privacy of your notes, then you’ll be happy to know that to do liste gives you the option to protect them with a pattern that you have to enter every time you want to view the app’s content.