TEPPEN for Android
3.8 (10

The description of TEPPEN - Play With New Friends
Capcom’s Ultimate Card Battler Crossover GameTEPPEN is a free-to-play digital card battle mobile game where the various all-star characters of Capcom’s finest games come together in an epic crossover. This game sets itself apart from most digital card games with its real-time action and only changing to turn-based combat when a certain card is played.TEPPENfree-to-playcardmobile gameall-star characters of Capcom’s finest gamesAnother Epic CrossoverCapcom is no rookie to crossover games. It’s well-known for its side-scroller fighting games, even doing crossovers with other studios’ own games. This time, Capcom takes the fight to the cards, wherein some of the most popular characters from its most popular series of games have to battle it out to stay alive. So far, eight of the iconic heroes of the Capcom universe—from the Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Mega Man X, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil franchises—have been pitted against each other by fate. You can unlock them through the Hero campaigns and see their side of the story, then try them out in the Free Matches. Many more playable Heroes will be added to TEPPEN later, which only means more cool teams you can mix and match as card decks.CapcomStreet FighterMonster HunterMega Man XDarkstalkersDevil May CryResident EvilStop and GoTEPPEN’s shining feature is its unique combination of real-time battling and turn-based combat. When a match starts off, you and your opponent can keep on playing any cards, putting them down on lanes and letting them launch attacks against the enemy and their opposing cards. It’s only when someone plays an Action Card that the continuous attacks stop and the gameplay becomes a turn-based strategy called Active Response. Even with the quick pace of the battles, Active Response doesn’t let you take a breather, as you need to quickly retaliate whatever action your opponent took during their turn. This mode can last for as long as both players have Action Cards to play on the field, and once done, the effects will be triggered and the real-time combat returns. You also have access to your cards’ Hero Arts, which are their unique abilities.unique combination of real-time battling and turn-based combatAction CardActive ResponseHero ArtsTake Your PickThings won’t get boring so fast in TEPPEN, as you get to play several game modes available for everyone. Solo Play lets you see the Hero Stories and allows you to unlock more characters for your team. Ranked Matches is the classic multiplayer versus mode, pitting you against other players. The Grand Prix is the bigger version of Ranked Matches, a set of limited-time elimination battles to see who’s the top dog in TEPPEN. There are a variety of options to choose from and you can test your custom decks wherever.Solo PlayRanked MatchesmultiplayerGrand PrixCan Be Your Dream TeamIf you’ve always wondered what a Capcom card game would look like, this is it. TEPPEN is highly recommended for any kind of fan of the popular game developer—however, you shouldn’t expect it to always be an easy game. Its branded release hints at in-app purchases that will give you an edge in a match, so if you’re no casual player and are actually looking for a game that demands skill, TEPPEN won’t entertain you much. Its combat system is nothing to scoff at, though, so feel free to try your hand at building awesome card decks and face off against AI and friends. highly recommended