The description of Word Search - Play With New Friends
Word Search is an excellent app that invites you to enjoy an infinite amount of word search puzzles right on your smartphone. If you feel like having a great time with one of the most famous pastimes in history, then this app is perfect for you. Word Search gives you the chance to solve an infinite number of word search puzzles. The gameplay is the exact same one as the original game: you’ll see a huge amount of letters in what looks like random order and you have to find a list of words. The words you have to find are listed below the word search puzzle to help you keep track of them. Once you’ve located a word, you have to highlight it with your finger and the app will also cross it out from your list of words. The words can be found in all kinds of positions: horizontal, vertical and diagonal, so make sure you check every single corner of the puzzle! Also, you can customize the word search puzzle and play with different sizes. When you finish the puzzle you’re working on, you can go on to the next one. Word Search is an excellent way to enjoy an infinite amount of word search puzzles. Try it out and play with all its features!