The description of Tambayoyi 1000 Na Sheikh Jafar - Play With New Friends
Tambayoyi 1000 Na Sheikh Jafar: An Android App for Hausa SermonsTambayoyi 1000 Na Sheikh Jafar is a free Android app developed by JACOAPPS under the Multimedia category and Music & Radio subcategory. It is specifically designed for Hausa speakers who are interested in listening to sermons by Sheikh Jafar Mahmud, a renowned cleric in Nigeria. The app's name means "1000 sermons by Sheikh Jafar" in English, and it offers a vast collection of the Sheikh's sermons that can be accessed with ease.TambayoyiNa Sheikh JafarAndroidJACOAPPSJafar MahmudJafarThe app's user interface is simple and easy to navigate, with a search bar that allows users to search for specific sermons. The sermons are well-organized and can be sorted by date or title. Users can also create a playlist of their favorite sermons and listen to them offline. Overall, Tambayoyi 1000 Na Sheikh Jafar is a great app for anyone interested in listening to Sheikh Jafar's sermons on their Android device.TambayoyiNa Sheikh JafarJafarAndroid