The description of Tailor Master - Play With New Friends
Tailor Master: A Mobile Customer Register for TailorsTailor Master is a free Android application developed by VINING Webstyle that provides tailors with an easy way to manage their customer register. Instead of using physical register books, tailors can now use their Android mobile devices to add, modify, and delete customer details. The app allows tailors to input cloth types, such as shirts, pants, and coats, and add details such as pockets, collars, sleeves, and other measurements in inches. TailorAndroidVINING WebstyleAndroidTailor Master also features pictures of 7 types of the body structure of the customer for easy reference to the Body Mass Index. The app separates details of each cloth from each other and even allows users to add cloth images in the Cloth section. The app automatically takes backups after an hour of usage and stores them in the location "/sdcard/TailorMaster/ClothImages". Tailorthe Body Mass IndexTailor Master also has a restore feature that allows users to restore their backups from local storage. It also has a search function that enables tailors to search for customers by name or phone number. The app supports three languages: English (default), Hindi, and Gujarati.TailorHindi