The description of STEER - Play With New Friends
A free app for Android, by FoodHwy Inc.In our busy and fast-paced world, it is hard to find time to take care of our health and our environment. That’s why it’s important to find ways to make a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle easier to live. One way is to make a change in your daily habits. Another is to make a change in the way you consume and produce. And yet another is to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint.If you care about the environment and want to make a change, there is nothing more important than understanding the ways in which we impact the planet. That’s why we need to reduce our carbon footprint and find ways to offset our carbon emissions. If you want to make a change, you need to be able to measure and reduce your carbon footprint. That’s why we developed STEER, an integrated platform that helps you track and reduce your carbon footprint.