The description of Solo Test - Play With New Friends
Solo Test - A Challenging and Strategic Puzzle GameSolo Test is a free Android game developed by SprigsLabs, falling under the category of word games. It is a challenging and strategic puzzle game that can keep players engaged for hours. The game can be played solo, and the objective is to place all the 32 pawns on the board while keeping the center hole empty.Solo TestAndroidSprigsLabsplayersThe game is played by moving the pawns, and players need to jump over the pawn that is in front of them to reach the empty hole. The pawn that is jumped over is then removed from the board. Players can move the pawns in any direction except diagonally, and if there is no empty hole to jump into, the game ends. The goal is to leave as few pawns as possible on the board, and the best outcome is to have only one pawn left.playersPlayers