The description of Roster-Calendar - Play With New Friends
Roster-Calendar: The Ultimate Shift Planning AppRoster-Calendar is a free Android app developed by Michael Heinz under the Business & Productivity category. This app allows you to create your entire shift pattern in less than a minute, which is a unique feature that sets it apart from other shift planning apps. AndroidMichael HeinzThe app is easy to use, and you can define work times, colors, names, and many more features to fit your needs. You can choose from free editable templates, and a single tap is all it takes to add or delete calendar entries. Double tap to switch shift entries and add additional entries in the shift calendar for second shifts (double shifts). The app also includes public holidays for 38 countries and a widget for viewing shifts for today and tomorrow. You can add notes to any calendar day and view the week number. Optional features include exporting services as a PDF-file, matching services in your device calendar (manual and automatic), automatically adding recurring shift cycles to the Roster-Calendar, automatically deleting shifts, calculations for total hours of shifts, online backup/restore, daily entry of overtime, password protection, data exchange between Android and iOS, and planning for holidays/vacations/trips.OptionalAndroidiOSOverall, Roster-Calendar is a highly recommended app for anyone looking for an efficient and easy-to-use shift planning app.