The description of Rome2rio - Play With New Friends
Transport information for your travels and journeys
Almudena Galán
July 14, 2021
When it's time to go on a trip, we usually have all kinds of doubts. The famous travel booking and information website now offers us its official application to consult the best means of transport to reach our destination by plane, train, bus, ferry, bicycle or hire car, regardless of where we are going.
Tailor-made transport for travelling
Rome2rio is a travel and guide app specialising in transport. Specifically, it offers information on flights, buses, trains, ferries, carpooling and car hire. The service is similar to that offered by other operators such as Omio (formerly known as GoEuro), but this one covers more territory and services.
Enter any city, address or landmark as your destination and we'll immediately show you all the travel and booking options.
To use it, just enter a starting point and a destination anywhere in the world. In a few seconds, the system will show us in detail the possible combinations, the duration of each trip and the estimated prices.
If we want to book a trip, the application will redirect us to the website so that we can buy the tickets we are most interested in. It also provides information on accommodation at the destination and things to do.
Find out how to get anywhere.
This app collaborates with more than 5,000 transport companies in more than 160 countries, so the resources it offers are very complete. If we want to go on a trip or go sightseeing, whether in the next city or on the other side of the planet, we only have to download the APK file to find all the information we need.
Requirements and additional information:Minimum operating system requirements:
Android 5.0.Instructions to install XAPKs on Android
Almudena Galán
With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...
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