The description of Rinly - Cut audio, ringtones - Play With New Friends
Rinly - Cut audio ringtonesRinly is a free Android app developed by Stellio Soft that allows users to easily cut audio with precision to millisecond. It is a functional audio cutter that offers the ability to set tracks as a ringtone for calls, notifications, and alarms. With a convenient music picker from a list of tracks and folders, users can easily search for their favorite tracks. Rinly supports mp3, wav, ogg, m4a, aac, flac, and many other formats. RinlyAndroidStellio SoftRinlyIn addition, Rinly offers the option to set a smooth start to the sound and users can set a ringtone to a specific contact. With tight integration with Stellio Player HQ, users can enjoy a seamless experience. Overall, Rinly is a great option for anyone looking to customize their audio experience on their Android device.RinlyStellio Player HQRinlyAndroid