Rajya Sabha Debates for Android
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National Informatics Centre.
The description of Rajya Sabha Debates - Play With New Friends
A free program for Android, by NIC eGov Mobile Apps.Rajya Sabha Debates is a mobile application that provides access to all debates held in Rajya Sabha since the first session. The app can be used to view and download all the relevant documents for the current session. It provides users with a unique opportunity to search for all the relevant documents for their respective topics and discuss them with their peers. It is an ideal platform for users who are interested in politics and public affairs. How to UseTo use the app, users need to select their topics of interest from the list that is displayed on the home page. They can select the topic by either selecting the title or the category. Once the user has selected their topic of interest, they need to select their preferred mode of view. There are two modes available, namely, the list mode and the tab mode. In the list mode, users can see all the relevant documents for their topic of interest in the form of a list.