The description of Power Sentai - Play With New Friends
Power Sentai is a fighting arcade game where you play as a young character who has to defend himself against demonic attacks.Gameplay in Power Sentai is very simple: each enemy has three weaknesses that you can see above him on the screen. Your character has a total of six different attacks, each one based on the weaknesses of your enemies. So if the enemy you want to defeat appears with the combination 'kick + gun + punch,' you'll have to tap these three buttons for these attacks, in the right order, to defeat him. Each turn lasts a limited number of seconds (around seven seconds per turn), during which you have to tap on the correct attacks in time if you want to emerge victorious.As you play, you'll beat levels and advance, getting special clothes and attacks that you can then use against your enemies.Power Sentai is a dynamic, fresh, and fun arcade game that will keep you entertained for hours on end.