The description of Postres Niños - Play With New Friends
At times, children tend to have problems eating healthy foods, or accepting certain foods for unspecific reasons, like the idea that they don't like a certain food without even trying it, simply because it doesn't look appetizing. Postres Niños is an Android app that you can use to give a touch of color and fun to healthy dishes so they eat a little of everything. This tool contains five kitchen categories: cakes, fruit, ice cream, fun, and Christmas, and in all of them you can find all types of food that children generally leave on their plate uneaten. In the 'fun' section, for example, you'll find a recipe for making ghosts out of pears, and yogurt with fruit in the shape of a fried egg. Making fun and colorful shapes encourages children to eat, and in Postres Niños you'll find ideas to turn fruit into a new, entertaining food that will improve their nutrition and health with simple decorative tips.Every recipe includes the preparation time, the necessary ingredients, the utensils required, and the preparation instructions, step by step, including the time that each ingredient needs to cook. A photo is also included to give you an idea of the final result.