Pokémon TCG Live for Android
4.2 (6

The Pokémon Company International
The description of Pokémon TCG Live - Play With New Friends
A new way to enjoy PokémonIf you have ever played a card game, then you know the importance of having a good deck of cards. In Pokémon TCG Live, you can collect cards from the various sets that have been released. Each set has its own special qualities and these will all help in spicing up your deck-building.card gamePokémon TCG Livecollect cardsspecial qualitiesSimilar to Pokemon: Emerald, Pokemon: Platinum, and other titles in the franchise that are more focused on role-playing elements, Pokémon TCG Live also introduces you to a wide array of Pokémon to meet. Although, in this game, they come in the form of trading cards.Pokemon: EmeraldPokemon: Platinumrole-playingwide array of Pokémontrading cardsBuild and upgrade your card deckPokémon TCG Live is easy to play and does not require any special skills to be mastered. However, it is understandably tricky for beginners or those who are more used to RPG battle mechanics. This game also employs turn-based battle mechanics, but this time in the form of trading cards. It features a number of practice matches that will train you in becoming the best card dueler.easy to play tricky for beginnersturn-based practice matchesYou can also build your collection of cards by completing sets or by getting certain prizes. There are also different ways to play the game. You can play in the ranked mode, where you need to win a number of matches to climb up the leaderboards. Alternatively, you can play in the casual mode, where you can relax and have fun playing matches at your own pace.completing setsprizesranked modecasual modeThe game also makes room for avatar customization. There are different sandals, hats, hero poses, and even catchphrases to choose from. Furthermore, players can personalize their deck box, card sleeves, and more. Some drawbacks of the game may be its exclusivity—as you can’t play it without an existing Pokémon Trading Card Game Online account—and the significant learning curve that beginners have to overcome.avatar customizationcan’t playPokémon Trading Card Game Online accountsignificant learning curveYour favorite Pokémon in card formIn a nutshell, Pokémon TCG Live transforms your Pokémon gaming experience from the typical, interactive monster-hunting mechanics to a heavily card-based one. You will still meet your favorite adorable creatures in this game, but this time they are in the form of cards. Player avatar customization is also highly promoted, with lots of options to choose from. However, you must have an existing Pokémon Trading Card Game Online account.