The description of Ortografia PL - Play With New Friends
Ortografia PL - A Fun Way to Learn Polish SpellingOrtografia PL is an Android game developed by MB4ANDROID, aimed at teaching and testing knowledge of Polish spelling. The game is suitable for primary and secondary school students, as well as adults who want to refresh their knowledge of spelling. Ortografia PLAndroidMB4ANDROIDWhat sets Ortografia PL apart from other games of its kind is its innovative way of presenting spelling rules. The game's approach to consolidating knowledge is both engaging and effective. Words that are spelled incorrectly are more likely to reappear in the next test. Additionally, every word in the game is spoken, making it a great tool for those who have set up word-to-speech. Ortografia PLOverall, Ortografia PL is a great way to improve your Polish spelling skills in a fun and interactive way. Whether you're a student or an adult looking to brush up on your spelling, this game is a must-try.Ortografia PL