The description of Onlinekhabar - Play With New Friends
Onlinekhabar - Latest News from Nepal and Around the WorldOnlinekhabar is a free news portal available on Android platform that provides the latest news from Nepal and around the world. Established in 2006, it has become the number 1 news portal in Nepal, reaching Nepalese communities in over 140 countries. The portal is updated every second with news related to politics, economics, society, and entertainment. With the Onlinekhabar app, users can access the latest news on their mobile devices from anywhere in the world.AndroidThe app is easy to navigate and provides a user-friendly interface. Users can browse through different categories such as politics, society, economy, and entertainment. The app also allows users to save articles to read later, and share articles with their friends and family. Overall, Onlinekhabar is a great app for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest news from Nepal and around the world.