The description of One Tap Tennis - Play With New Friends
One Tap Tennis is a sports arcade game where you can play tennis matches using just one finger. Just tap the screen at the right time to hit the ball, keeping in mind that the more precise you are, the fewer hits you need to win the game.Before starting the game you can create your own tennis player, choosing from different types of bodies and faces, shirts and shorts. As you win tournaments, you can also add new outfits.To win games in One Tap Tennis, you just have to return balls until you fill the top bar. The more precise your returns are, the quicker the bar will fill and thus the fewer hits you need to win the game. But one mistake, one single mistake, can make you start all over again from the beginning.One Tap Tennis is a simple but fun tennis game thanks to which you can play several tennis games in less than a minute. Also, as soon as you start winning games, you'll start to win fun suits like the ninja or lizard man ones.