The description of Namokar Mantra - Play With New Friends
A free app for Android, by Konstant Infosolutions.In India, the religion of Jainism is the second-most-followed faith, after Hinduism. Jainism was established in India about 2500 years ago, by Jain savant (sage), Pancha Parmeshthi. His teachings were known as the Navakâr Mantra (the Namokar Mantra), and it was later compiled into a single text by Rishikeshvar. The Namokar Mantra is the most important text in Jainism. It is the fundamental and most recited prayer in the religion.Pancha ParmeshthiJainism is the religion of Hinduism that is focused on the concept of karma and the cycle of life, and the goal is to achieve moksha (or liberation) by escaping from the cycle of life and death. The Jain concept of moksha is different from the Hindu concept of moksha. The Jain concept of moksha is about achieving nirvana, while the Hindu concept of moksha is about achieving the spirit or soul's liberation from the material world.In the Namokar Mantra, Pancha Parmeshthi praises the five spiritual masters: the Arihantas, Siddhas, Âchâryas, Upadhyâyas, and Sadhus (normal monks). These spiritual masters are the models for human beings, and if we follow them, we will get the same results as they have.Pancha Parmeshthi