The description of MIDI Sequencer - Play With New Friends
MIDI Sequencer: Create Music with SoundfontsMIDI Sequencer is a free Android application developed by Volcano Mobile that belongs to the Multimedia category, specifically to Music & Radio. This program allows you to create tracks using instruments from soundfonts (sf2), sequences and order them, and fill your patterns with the included controllers. The app also features soundfonts that allow you to easily change the sound bank of a composition using General MIDI soundfonts. However, it's important to note that the MIDI feature is not supported by every Android device, so you should consult the specifications of your device to see if it supports MIDI connections.MIDI SequencerAndroidVolcano MobileMusicMIDIMIDIAndroidMIDIThe app's user manual and FAQ are available on the developer's website, and there is a presentation video showcasing the app's features on YouTube. It's worth noting that this application uses a modified version of FluidSynth, and the source code is available on GitHub for those who are interested in it.FAQYouTubeFluidSynthGitHub