The description of Main Street Pets Supermarket - Play With New Friends
Play Supermarket Games With Your Mom!Are you a fan of the Supermarket Games? Do you love grocery store games? Do you love playing in the supermarket with your mom?Welcome to Main Street Pets Corner Market and Supermarket!Let’s meet Bob the Cashier and your friends at the supermarket, and let's get shopping with your mom!BobYour mom needs to pick up some groceries, and she wants you to help her out! Can you help your mom find the items she needs during this special shopping trip?Head to the market, and explore the different aisles! Cookies, Baked Goods, Cake Shop, Burgers, Fruit & Veggies, Candy, and more are available to you to explore and shop!Can you help your mom find the items she needs during this special shopping trip?The market is full of great games to play, like Prize Claw and Capture the Fish. You never know what kind of game you'll get, so it's always worth a try!