LunaSolCal Mobile for Android
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Volker Voecking Software Engin
The description of LunaSolCal Mobile - Play With New Friends
LunaSolCal Mobile: A Comprehensive Sun and Moon Activity CalculatorLunaSolCal Mobile is a free Android app developed by Volker Voecking Software Engineering. It is a comprehensive tool that allows users to quickly calculate the activity of the sun and moon. The app provides accurate information on sunrise, solar noon, sunset, twilight times, equation of time, declination, azimuth of sunrise and sunset, altitude of the sun at noon, moon rise, moon transit, moon set, declination, azimuth of moon rise and moon set, altitude of moon during transit, date of the next new/full moon, sun path during the day, moon path during the day, and solstice and equinox dates.AndroidVolker Voecking Software EngineeringThe app allows users to specify their location using a GPS receiver, a list of over 30,000 cities, or WGS-84 coordinates. Users can select any date betweenandLunaSolCal Mobile also has a special layout for tablet devices (8-inch and larger) and allows users to share information on Twitter and Facebook. It is important to note that the accuracy of the calculations decreases for locations north of 65°N and south of 65°S. Overall, LunaSolCal Mobile is a great tool for anyone who wants to keep track of sun and moon activity.TwitterFacebook