The description of Liight - Play With New Friends
Liight: The App That Rewards You for Being Eco-FriendlyLiight is a free Android app developed by WitCode that falls under the Social & Communication category. The app is designed to reward users for their eco-friendly actions. Whether you ride a bike, walk, use public transport, or recycle, you can redeem your eco-friendly actions for rewards like dinner at trendy restaurants, tech products, leisure, sustainable fashion brands, and much more.LiightAndroidWitCodeSocialThe app has been improved with new features like leagues, levels, achievements, and experience points. Liight offers an innovative way to join the fight against climate change while being rewarded for your actions. The app is easy to use and navigate, and it provides a fun way to promote sustainable habits.LiightLiight is the perfect app for those who want to make a difference in the world while being rewarded for their actions. Download Liight today and start your journey towards a sustainable lifestyle!LiightDownload Liight