The description of Learn Turkish - 50 languages - Play With New Friends
Learn Turkish with 50 languages - App ReviewLearn Turkish with 50 languages is an Android application developed by 50LANGUAGES LLC. The app is free and falls under the category of Education & Reference. With the app, users can learn to speak Turkish fluently in real-world situations in no time. LLCEducationThe app has 30 free lessons and a total of 100 lessons that provide a basic vocabulary. The 50languages method effectively combines audio and text for efficient language learning. The app corresponds to the Common European Framework levels A1 and A2, making it suitable for all types of schools and students. The audio files can also be used as a supplement in language schools and courses. The app is available in over 40 languages and approximately 1600 language combinations, such as German to English, English to Spanish, Spanish to Chinese, and more.the Common European FrameworkA1A2