The description of Kamus Sunda - Play With New Friends
Kamus Sunda: A Comprehensive Dictionary for Learning SundaneseKamus Sunda is an Android application developed by Sukron Jazuli that aims to promote the preservation of the Sundanese language and culture. This app provides a comprehensive dictionary for learning Sundanese, one of the national treasures of Indonesia. The app offers features such as offline vocabulary and sentence search, as well as online translation for words and phrases. AndroidThe user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and search for specific words or phrases. Kamus Sunda is a free app that is available to anyone who wants to learn the Sundanese language. In case of any installation issues, the developer has also provided a link to the version 2 of the app. With Kamus Sunda, users can easily learn and appreciate the beauty of the Sundanese language and culture.