The description of Kamus Inggris Indonesia - Play With New Friends
Kamus Inggris Indonesia: Offline English-Indonesian DictionaryKamus Inggris Indonesia is an offline English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English dictionary app developed by Nayaka Studio. It is a free educational game that helps users translate words and phrases without an internet connection. The app offers a simple and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible to users of all ages.Nayaka StudioIn addition to word translations, Kamus Inggris Indonesia also includes a feature that allows users to translate sentences word by word. This feature is particularly useful for those who are learning English or Indonesian as a second language. The app also offers a history feature that allows users to keep track of their search history.Overall, Kamus Inggris Indonesia is a great app for anyone who needs an offline dictionary for English and Indonesian translations. It is easy to use and provides accurate translations for both words and sentences.