Husteblume - die Allergie-App for Android
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Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
The description of Husteblume - die Allergie-App - Play With New Friends
A free program for Android, by Techniker Krankenkasse TK.Husteblume is a free app for Android which makes the handling of your pollen allergy easier. It helps you to understand the condition better and helps you to manage your condition by giving you an idea of what to expect and how to deal with it.HusteblumeAndroidHow does Husteblume work?HusteblumeIn Husteblume, you can check the pollen count and the weather in your area. The data is provided by the German Meteorological Institute (DMI).Husteblumethe German Meteorological InstituteIf you have a specific allergy to pollen, you will be notified if the count is high. The data is displayed in a graph.If you want to know more about the condition, you can enter your symptoms and the data will be displayed in a table.You can add notes to the data. The data is saved anonymously. The app can be used offline.