Holy Jesus for Android
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Cool keyboard for Android
The description of Holy Jesus - Play With New Friends
Holy Jesus is a theme for Teclado Emoji Keyboard (also available on Uptodown) that lets you customize your Android device's keyboard. On this occasion, the Holy Jesus Christ will grace your keyboard, giving it a wonderful and revelational look.To be able to use Holy Jesus, you will first need to install Teclado Emoji Keyboard, allow it to access your system settings and, lastly, set it as your default keyboard. After this, you'll have to go back to the Holy Jesus app and install the theme. After you've completed these simple steps, you will be able to enjoy the sight of Jesus Christ and his Divine Grace flowing over your keyboard. The keyboard itself doesn't offer many more features than those of your Android's default keyboard. You will have over 800 different emojis, direct access to GIFs, autocorrect and predictive text, voice assistant for hands-free messaging, and so on. It's important to note that Holy Jesus is only compatible with English. Holy Jesus is a funny, colorful and well-made keyboard that will appoint Jesus Christ as the guardian of everything you write on your device. This is a good option for customizing your device and giving it a more pious feel.