The description of GreenPass - Play With New Friends
GreenPass: Simplify the Verification of CertificatesGreenPass is a free application developed by Slovensko IT a.s. for Android users that helps with the verification of certificates when traveling or visiting shops, services, and other facilities. It is an official application of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, National Health Information Center, and Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic.GreenPassSlovenskoAndroidWith GreenPass, you can store certificates of vaccination, testing, or overcoming the disease electronically on your mobile device, always having them at hand without the need for physical documents. Create a database of QR codes gradually and have your certificates always with you when verifying them.GreenPassThe goal of GreenPass is to simplify the verification of certificates where necessary, using a simple QR code scanning. Get an overview and make traveling or visiting facilities or cultural events easier with the GreenPass application.GreenPassGreenPassPlease visit the website for more information on the safety and legal conditions of using the application. Note that this application serves only Slovak users.