
GharBazar for Android

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Tulips Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

The description of GharBazar - Play With New Friends

GharBazar: The Ultimate Real Estate Site in NepalGharBazar is a Nepalese real estate site that offers a comprehensive list of properties, including houses, bungalows, lands, and apartments for sale or rent. With its user-friendly search tools, you can easily find your dream property in any location in Nepal. The site provides detailed information on property values, features, and surrounding neighborhood information, such as nearby schools, hospitals, restaurants, and other services.Getting information on properties for sale or rent used to be time-consuming, but with GharBazar, it's never been easier. You can access pictures, detailed property information, and even statistics about the surrounding neighborhood through the search listings. You can also use the site's EMI Calculator and Area Converter tools to help you make informed decisions.If you are a seller, you can subscribe to GharBazar's premium or featured listings to promote your property on social media, especially Facebook. The site's professional photographers will shoot beautiful property photographs for you, and you can provide as much information as you can, including road descriptions, nearest landmarks, facilities, and nearby services like hospitals, markets, and schools.Overall, GharBazar is the ultimate real estate site in Nepal, offering a wealth of information and tools to help you find the perfect property or sell your own.


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Last Revision
November 02, 2023
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