The description of Fruit Slice - Play With New Friends
Cleave fruit with skill and flairFruit Slice is an action game where players split fruit which avoiding bombs.Fruit Sliceaction gameA popular action arcade game, Fruit Slice is much like Fruit Ninja, where players have to split thrown fruit using the touch screen. Chaining together the slicing of fruit gives the player bonuses while they also have to avoid bombs that randomly are thrown up also.action arcade gameFruit NinjaThe visuals of Fruit Slice are simple, with multiple types of fruit like pineapples, oranges, and coconuts flying up in the air. Slicing the fruit splashes juice on the background wall. It is a simple look with the focus of Fruit Slice on the gameplay rather than highly realistic rendered fruit.multiple types of fruitFruit Slice offers four modes of gameplay – classic, time, pipeline, and one shot.classictimepipelineone shotClassic is the recognizable mode. Players have three chances to miss fruit while attempting to slice as much fruit as possible. Time is a timed mode in Fruit Slice to reach the highest amount of cut fruit possible. Pipeline is a metered mode. Fruit is required to be split in a specific order and incorrectly split fruit will fill the meter which will end the round. One shot is where fruit is thrown and players have to slice all the fruit with one slice only.The gameplay of Fruit Slice is varied enough to offer a good amount of replayability. There is a lack of variety beyond the four different gameplay modes as each one is essentially the same Fruit Slice game with different rules.replayabilityFruit Slice is a fun action arcade game that is best for small gameplay sessions.Fruit Slice is a fun action arcade game that is best for small gameplay sessions.Added new fruitChangesAdded new fruitAdded new fruitAdded new fruit