The description of Frases y Estados Para Todo - Play With New Friends
If you like to change your WhatsApp or Facebook status often, or your status for anything else, Phrases For All Occasions is a great app for finding inspiration and mixing up your status whenever you want.This app divides all its content into several different categories: love phrases, photo phrases, phrases for everyone, phrases for reflexion, statuses about life, romantic phrases, sexy statuses, break up statuses, pretty phrases, random phrases, love statuses, phrases about life, Christmas statuses, joke statuses, friendship statuses, smart statuses, sad statuses, song phrases, animation statuses, daily phrases, phrases, thoughtful statuses, and good phrases. Choose the category that best suits your current situation and browse through the hundreds of different images and phrases that you can share with family members or friends.The advantage of this app is that it has hundreds of options, so you could easily change your status every day without ever having to repeat yourself.