The description of Extreme Demolition - Play With New Friends
A free Racing app for AndroidExtreme Demolition is a free app for Android that belongs to the category Racing, and has been developed by Cableek s.r.o.. It's recommended for kids, families, singles.Extreme DemolitionRacingMore about Extreme DemolitionThis app is best known for the following features and qualities: car racing, killing time, addicting game & classic game.People say great time waster, you can also do online multiplayer, should have a monster truck and a tank.great time wasteryou can also do online multiplayershould have a monster truck and a tankIf you like Extreme Demolition you'll also enjoy: Dr. Driving, Flick Shoot 2, Road Warrior: Best Racing Game, RE-VOLT 2 : MULTIPLAYER, Iron Force, Bowling King.