Drink Water Reminder for Android
5 (2

Health Group: Fitness, Eyes Pr
The description of Drink Water Reminder - Play With New Friends
Drink Water Reminder is an app that can help you drink a healthy amount of water every day. How? it'll remind you how much water you need to drink each day and establish your daily water consumption goal. Your job is simply to try to reach that goal. Using Drink Water Reminder is really easy: just enter your weight and height and the app will automatically calculate the amount of water you need to drink each day. For example, a 70-pound male who's 1,70 meters, should drink around two and a half liters every day. Once you've introduced your information, just update the app everytime you drink a glass of water. With just a few clicks on your screen, you'll enter the exact amount of water you've consumed up to that point. The simplicity of the app will make it hard for you forget to enter the information or just not bother to do it because you're feeling lazy. Drink Water Reminder is an app that helps you keep a healthy lifestyle. You can easily improve an important daily habit with this app.