The description of Doding Haleluya Simalungun - Play With New Friends
Doding Haleluya Simalungun ReviewDoding Haleluya Simalungun is a free Android application developed by CV. GRATIANET CYBERMEDIA. It falls under the Multimedia category with a subcategory of Music & Radio. The app is compatible with Android 9.0. AndroidAndroidThe main feature of the app is the collection of religious songs in the Simalungun language. The app's name translates to "Praise the Lord" in English. It is a songbook containing a variety of religious songs that are sung during worship services. The app is designed for people who speak the Simalungun language and want to sing religious songs in their native language. the Simalungun languagethe Simalungun languageThe app has a simple and user-friendly interface. It allows users to search for songs by title or number. The app also provides the lyrics for each song, making it easy for users to follow along. Overall, Doding Haleluya Simalungun is a great app for anyone who wants to sing religious songs in the Simalungun language.the Simalungun language