The description of Dicionário Teológico - Play With New Friends
A free program for Android, by Estudios Bíblicos Temas Libros Biblia CrisTeolApps.Dicionário TeológicoThis application is a tool that can be used to study the teachings of the Bible. With this tool you can learn a lot of things about the world of Christian religion.The tool is very easy to use and understand. It is based on the idea that the Bible contains a lot of teachings and concepts that can be understood by people in different ways. The application allows you to choose the topic you want to study and access a large number of definitions and questions. It is also possible to study the history of Christianity and the development of the teachings.This application is useful for studying the teachings of the Bible and the concept of God. The application is divided into three sections: the dictionary, the questions and answers, and the history of Christianity.