The description of Delete tweets and likes app - - Play With New Friends
Delete Tweets and Likes App - Efficient Twitter CleanupThe Delete Tweets and Likes App by Limitless Mobile Apps is a free Android utility tool that helps you clear your Twitter history with ease. The program allows you to delete tweets, retweets, replies, and unlike likes. It also supports multi-account usage, making it easier to clean up your Twitter history across different accounts.Limitless Mobile AppsAndroidTwitterTwitterThe program's user-friendly interface allows you to select the tweets and likes you want to delete and remove them in bulk. This feature saves you the time and hassle of manually deleting each tweet or like one by one. After deleting, the app recommends clearing your Twitter application cache to ensure the tweets and likes are completely removed from your Twitter history.TwitterTwitterOverall, the Delete Tweets and Likes App by Limitless Mobile Apps is an efficient tool for anyone who wants to clean up their Twitter profile quickly and easily.Limitless Mobile AppsTwitter