The description of Connect the dots - Princess - Play With New Friends
If you are looking for an easy and fun way to teach your kids letters and numbers, then Connect the Dots – Princess is the perfect app for you. With this app, you and your little ones can spend hours having fun and learning at the same time. The gameplay is super simple; the only thing they have to do is connect the dots in order to complete the drawing. So, by connecting the dots they will learn to recognize the shapes and the order of the alphabet and numbers. Connect the Dots – Princess includes a great variety of different drawings so your little ones never get tired of learning the same shape. They can practice with an infinite amount of possibilities that will help them remember the correct order of the alphabet and numbers. Connect the Dots – Princess also features three playing modes; numbers, lower case letters, and capital letters, that helps them recognize between them. Learn and have fun with your kids with this entertaining learning tool.