The description of Compra online - Play With New Friends
Grup Bon Preu's Compra online: A Convenient Way to Shop for GroceriesGrup Bon Preu's Compra online is a free Android app that falls under the Lifestyle category and subcategory Food & Drink. The app lets you shop for groceries online, including fresh and frozen products, and select the day and time of your purchase's collection. You can modify your purchase until a few hours before delivery and pay conveniently and securely. The app also allows you to accumulate 1% on your Bonpreu and Esclat client card account.AndroidFoodBonpreuEsclatIf you're a busy person who doesn't have much time to go to the supermarket, this app is a lifesaver. You can shop for groceries from the comfort of your home, and the app will charge your purchase to the car in just 5 minutes. The app is easy to use, and the products' prices are competitive. Overall, Compra online is a practical and user-friendly app that makes grocery shopping more convenient than ever before.